Monday, February 22, 2010

Benvenuto Amici!

Ciao! Come si chiamo Tessa! Come ti chiami? And I really would love to know! So hi there, if you prefer just plain English! My name is Tess (the name I prefer anyhow), and I'm a 20 year old femme with a burning passion in my soul to start writing - and where better to do it than on a blog; a concept that seems to be the trend of the decade! So, as I find myself to already have reached my mid-life crisis, I have decided to write anything down - from weight issues (oh so prevalent), to scraps of conversations that my red little ears seem to steal from people, which has become ever so I have a job, a very good job, that allows me to work four days a week and get by quite comfortably, but there is no love. no passion. no springing out of bed to go to a job that I adore. After finally figuring out that one more bowl of ice-cream will not magically make this problem disappear (it did make my tummy slightly more protruding though - yah! (not)), I decided to nut out what I really wanted to pursue in my life. When this envious, and quite agitated state began to occur whenever I went to the theatre or to the cinema, I realised that acting was something I am truly passionate about - which stems from my writing in one sense or another, as I love being a story-teller. So, after a series of short courses (none of which were fantastic, and none of which I actually completed), I decided that if I was to pursue this dream, and really pursue it, I wanted to do it properly. So I auditioned for NIDA. My chances for the full-time course were slim to none - stats that proved true, however, I found out about some short, part-time courses, auditioned for one - and bingo! (yippee, tra-la-la, woop woop!) So, (I seem to use this word an awful lot), this is how, after many trials, tribulations, and quite a hefty loss of funds, I find myself sitting in a little room, in a little apartment in the beach burbs of Sydney, approximately 911km from my beautiful family in Melbourne. This blog is about my six month stint here - a journey that has been anticipated for a long while, and now, having finally come along, is proving harder than I thought. But (I should never really start a sentence with 'but' - but I don't care), I'm extending an invitation to you, you personally, foibles and all, to come along and take this journey with me, because it's been awful lonesome so far.

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