Monday, February 22, 2010

I need you to not be perfect...because I'm not perfect...

This theme of perfection in relationships has been coming up a lot lately - on a question panel at Church, in a conversation with my Mum, and on Desperate Housewives for goodness' sake!

But I like it - particularly as a single, never been kissed female.

Don't play dumb with me - I know you have your little list of 'essentials' in a guy - brown eyes/surfy/nerdy (hey, no judgement here!)/sporty, wears Ray Bans, has ripped abs, has red hair, likes Italian food, wears Chucks, does Sudoku, is a little bit metro, only eats organic food, is Asian/Afro-american/Spanish/English (ooo - I go weak at the knees!), wears skinny jeans, or has a pair of those black square shaped glasses.

Even if you don't, there are always the deal breakers - long hair/smokes/drinks/has bad breath/spits/ or any of the above! Don't get me wrong, these things can be important for the relationship to work as well - if you find out that he only wants one kid, and you want four, it's like uh-oh!

All this aside, I think it is important to remember that while we are using our x-ray vision to scan the radar for our perfect le homme, we must remember that when the perfect man witnesses our flaws (booming* around the house, forgetting to wax our moes, making him go to yet another chick flick), a massive crack will create a significant degree of separation between the two of you. I'm no relationship expert, just putting in my two cents' worth, and today that would be that compromise should be on your 'essentials' list.

We are not perfect people, but as I am learning, it is far better to compromise that to be alone...

sending love out everywhere tonight, especially to my family in Melbourne, who have put up with my idiosyncrasies, almost to the point of ridicule.


  1. i love your blog and will always read your brilliant posts! miss you xox
    ps. i'm thinking it needs a slight makeover, i will work on something ;-)
